Determining the Tenure of Political Office Holders: Between Impeachment and Revolution


World over, every elected political office holder is elected to hold office within a particular time frame. The duration of the tenure is dependent on the political system operated by a country and also the enabling laws governing the office. The law usually makes provision on how an elected officer can be removed from office. The centre piece of this paper is the ouster of Mohammed Morsi of Egypt. Since Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was removed from office in July 2013, debates centering on whether the event was a military coup or a revolution have intensified. The attempt to name the event has deep implications for our assessment of Egypt’s democratic future. The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of revolution viz-a-viz the 2013 ouster of Mohammed Morsi as president of Egypt. The objective of this paper amongst others is to differentiate between the political concepts of revolution and impeachment, both being a means of toppling a government. This paper argues that the removal of Morsi from office was a revolution, a continuation of the revolutionary process that began in 2011 that ousted Hosni Mubarak.